Thursday, October 27, 2011


We went on a bit of a shopping spree and finished up the interior, outside of artwork. 

 And I finally got a chair!  Alan's is white and not usually so hippiefied, but we had company and his cushion needs to be washed.
 A smaller bookcase replaces the one in the kitchen area, allowing the computer to come up off of the floor.
 The kitchen, spruced up with a new rug, our new dining room chairs, and our heater.
 My knitting, crocheting, and needlework projects all fit in the pink bin. We didn't buy it to fit that cubby, it was a complete coincidence.

The cats tend to cluster around the heater in the morning and enjoy the view afforded by the bird feeder.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's been a while...

I do apologize for not making any updates. We got busy with school and work, and not much finishing has been done to the house. However, I can update you on what we've discovered already while living here:

1. Insulation is key. Our walls are equal to or greater than what's recommended for this area, and due to the large dead space underneath the house, we have been able to heat it quite comfortably with a room heater rated for 150 sq ft.
2. Finish sealing your doors before it starts getting into the 30's at night. Brrr!

We are going to be starting on our carport, sidewalk, and garden area this month, with concrete being poured next month (6-8 yards in total).

Soon, I will hopefully have pictures of our finished bathroom (because it's not quite done yet), finished base boards, and finished outside windows.